About Affiliate Moguls
Founded by Meghan Damico and Ryan Alarid, Affiliate Moguls is a consulting business that specializes in hiring, training, and optimizing affiliate and email media buying programs. 

With over 15 years of direct response marketing experience, they bring a wealth of experience and connections to each partnership.
What Affiliate Managers Can Learn From Apple
Written by Meghan Damico on December 11, 2020
This week, Apple revealed their newest product, the AirPods Max. 

It’s an over the ear headphone that combines the power of their wireless AirPods with high-fidelity sound. 

It’s also a hefty $549. 

The best part is though, people are still going to buy it. Even though it’s hundreds more than similar headphones.


Because it’s completely on brand for Apple. 

They offer premium products at ultra-premium prices. 

Which got me thinking, what can internet marketers learn from the behemoth that is Apple?

Keep It Simple
Less is more to Apple...and to affiliate managers. 

Remember those old Mac vs. PC ads? Macs were advertised as ready to use right out of the box. And their interface was designed to be more intuitive.
Now, no disrespect towards PCs, but your affiliate program should run like a Mac. Simple, intuitive, and flexible. 

For example, if you have six offers you’re running and a potential affiliate asks you for a list of your top performing offers, don’t send them every single one. 

They’ll most likely get distracted by reading your email. Or, not pick an offer at all because they’re overwhelmed.  

Instead, give them one or two targeted offers based off an initial vetting conversion. 

Once they start promoting you’ll have a better idea of what other, similar others might do well for them.

Use Ancillary Marketing Channels
It’s obvious Apple uses product placement well.

They first started using it in movies in the mid-1990’s but then moved to the silver screen.

They did this for a few reasons. 

TV commercials and shows are cheaper than movies. You also have a larger demographic reach if you choose multiple TV shows versus one movie. Additionally, TV shows run for years whereas movies have a set amount of time in theaters. 

This allowed Apple to spend the big bucks in other areas, like Sunday Night Football commercials. 

It was also smart, because it expanded their influence and diversified their branding strategy. 

How does this carry over to what we do in online marketing?

Don’t neglect the smaller, cheaper acquisition channels.

Allocate a big marketing budget to Facebook ads, but don’t forget about YouTube, Instagram, and smaller ad networks like Dianomi or Outbrain.

This will expand your reach and also keep the orders flowing if your Facebook account gets shut down.

Speak to Partners Using Their Language
In the Mac vs. PC ads, Apple used language that attracted their core audience.

Apple computers are great for “creative” minds. You can produce your own music and movies, but also still use Microsoft programs.

This is true in affiliate marketing as well. 

You should speak to your partners using their preferred method of communication. 

Sometimes that’s communicating over text. Other times that’s email or Skype conversations.

Whatever the channel, make sure you know which partners prefer what method, so you know exactly how to get their attention.

Develop a Mystery Around What You Do

Unless you work at Apple, you probably don’t know what goes on behind the curtain. 

This aura of mystery makes product releases that much more exciting. 

Like Apple teases their events, you can tease and hype your product launches.

A few examples of ways in which you can do this:
 - A mystery guru or guest on your next product launch or live, in person event
 - Reveal a top contest prize a few days before the launch
 - Unveil a past product with surprise new features/functionality

Build a Community
Apple has a solid and loyal fan base built around a tight knit community. You can do the same in your affiliate marketing program.

Apple doesn’t hide its community and neither should you!

At Agora, we’ve done masterminds for our top partners, given gifts to celebrate major life events, and also have a monthly newsletters that highlights successful partners and email campaigns. 

Our clients have also built Affiliate Support pages. They contain testimonials from partners they know, like, and trust. They also include top offers, creatives, how to pull links, and tips and tricks to maximize commissions. 

These are all simple, proven tactics that don’t have you reinventing the wheel, but also bring you and your partners closer together.

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